Friday, June 12, 2009

Tempted by the Fruit of Another...

My adventure into brewing began at Midwest Supplies. It's an excellent spot for anyone looking to begin craft brewing. For starters, it's huge; wide selection of anything and everything that a rookie or veteran might need. They offer both ready-made kits and supplies for your own recipes. The prices are reasonable and the staff is cheery and helpful (I even have a high school acquaintance who works part time there). Not surprisingly, they have maintained solid customer loyalty from me.
The only complaint that I have had is location. Since returning to the Twin Cities, I have lived entirely on the east side of the River. My only reasons for venturing into the razzle-dazzle of Minneapolis has been to visit friends and get my latest recipe kit and various supplies. I knew that there was a fabled Second Brew Shop located not far from my current residence. But, as I already stated, I felt a strong sense of customer loyalty towards Midwest.
Then about a week ago I was out and about for St. Paul's Grand Old Day. Strolling down Grand Ave., braving an atypically cool June afternoon, enjoying the company of friends and loud music, I happened to sight an interesting display: [ ]. I didn't have time to investigate right then, but a few days later I returned to check out this locale.
I really like this place. First off, obviously, the close location. Second, a very nice selection of recipe kits, including a barley wine! Third, cool merch like the above mentioned poster (I have already purchase stickers to label my latest batch, so each of my friends & family will have their own bottle). The only 'complaint' is that it is much smaller than where I usually go, but that is completely understandable since it is in a nice little commercial strip on Grand Ave.
I'm sure I will still make trips to Midwest, I have some friends who live just down the road, but I think Northern will become my regular stop.

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